Project Supervisor Design Process ( PSDP )
JBC has been undertaking the role of PSDP since its introduction for non-domestic projects. Now that the Health & Safety at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013 require a PSDP to be appointed for residential developments JBC fulfils the role.
Pre-Purchase Surveys
A pre-purchase survey is essential for any buyer before they consider buying a property. The survey will alert the buyer to defects, hidden and unhidden, in the home or premises. The survey will also highlight potential future risks or maintenance costs. Even when it comes to new buildings the survey is needed. We at JBC have often found serious defects in new buildings because of the speed and volume of new building development during Ireland’s boom.

Assigned Certifier
The role of Assigned Certifier has been introduced in the Building Control Regulations 2013. The Assigned Certifier is the person assigned by the Building Owner to inspect and certify the building works on completion. This role can only be undertaken by a Chartered Engineer, Chartered Building Surveyor or a registered Architect.
Fire Safety Compliance
This JBC service extends from the preparation and submission of Fire Safety Certificate Applications to undertaking surveys of existing systems and making recommendations for compliance.

Planning Consultancy
This service is provided jointly by JBC and our sister firm McNamara & Partners, Architectural Design. With almost 60 years of combined experience in dealing with planning legislation. JBC can provide advice on the development potential for land, deal with planning objections and planning appeals for both applicants and third parties.
Structural Design
JBC are experts in the all forms of structural design. The expertise extends through all types of construction including Structural Steel, Reinforced Concrete, Precast and Prestressed Concrete and Timber Frame. We use the most up-to-date software packages to produce economical solutions. Our experience in the development of details and their implementation on site is critical to the success of our projects.
Insurance Claims
JBC have successfully managed insurance claims for both domestic and commercial clients. We also have worked on behalf of Loss Assessors, Loss Adjusters and insurance companies. We will assess a site to quantify loss and determine and provide expert opinion on the nature and cause or causes of the loss. We will provide a quotation for the proposed scope of works. We will also manage the insurance claim, provide reports and be expert witnesses in court.